
In addition to our regular club meetings, we hope to host quarterly workshops to help equip parents to incorporate the various skill-building activities we do into the daily and weekly rhythms of their homeschools. These workshops are generally geared toward parents, but the content will be appropriate for those as young as middle school, if your children would like to attend with you. Workshops will usualy consist of an hour of instructional content, followed by an hour of practice in small groups, while anything labeled a “seminar” will usually be about 90 minutes of interactive instructional content, followed by a half-hour of Q&A.


Interrogation Workshop

The Art of Effective Questioning

This is the first half of a two-hour workshop on using questions effectively in dialogue. We begin with why everyday believers, including your children, must learn the discipline, and then we walk through how to use different kinds of questions to either clarify something, make a point, or redirect a conversation. Your kids will frequently run into unclear communication both outside and inside the church. Part of our responsibility as parents is to ensure they’re well-equipped to stand firm for truth while helping others to understand it. Our aim in this workshop is to help you help them build some of the skills needed to do just that.

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Hermeneutics Seminar

How Do We Interpret Scripture?

This is an interactive seminar on biblical hermeneutics, the practice of interpreting scripture. We begin with why everyday believers, including your children, must learn the discipline, after which we walk through the process of figuring out what the text says, and then figuring out what it means to us today. We conclude with ways for you to incorporate the development of these skills into your homeschool. Your kids will frequently run into faulty interpretations of scripture—Jesus said not to judge; God’ll never give you more than you can handle; etc.—from both outside and inside the church. Part of our responsibility as parents is to ensure they’re well-equipped to handle God’s word rightly, and to stand firm when a hostile world tries to get them to compromise. Our aim in this seminar is to help you help them build some of the skills needed to do just that.

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Epistemology Seminar

Skills Required for Learning and Discerning Truth

This is an interactive seminar on epistemology, the study of what we can know and how we can know it. We begin with why everyday believers, including teenagers, must be concerned with a fancy word like “epistemology,” after which we construct a taxonomy of the various ways we can know things. We then discuss a number of skills associated with each area in the taxonomy, along with ways for you to incorporate the development of these skills into your homeschool. When your children leave the house (and even before), they will be inundated with innumerable counterfeit truth claims. Part of our responsibility as parents is to ensure they’re well-equipped not only to distinguish truth from falsehood, but to stand firm for truth when pressed. Our aim in this seminar is to give you a vision for what that entails.

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Apologetics Workshop

Incorporating Apologetics Training into Your Weekly Family Rhythm

This is the first half of a two-hour workshop on incorporating training in apologetics into your weekly routine. The presentation consists of instruction on an overview of the concept of apologetics, followed by a discussion of various tools and practices you can incorporate into your weekly routine to prepare you to defend your faith in every-day life. One day your kids will no longer be under your protective care, and will be facing the full force of the world’s attacks on their beliefs. Our aim in this workshop is to help you prepare them both to stand firm and to train others to do the same.

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Worldview Workshop

Tools for Identifying, Analyzing, and Refuting Counterfeit Worldviews

This is the first hour of a two-hour workshop on making worldview analysis a part of your weekly routine. The presentation consists of instruction on an overview of the concept of worldview, followed by an introduction to three tools you can use to identify, analyze, and then refute counterfeit worldviews you encounter in every-day life. Your child’s worldview is largely solidified by age thirteen or so, and must be refined and tested in the years between then and when they strike out on their own. Our aim in this workshop is to help you with that refinement and testing.

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Future Workshops

June, 2024

If you’ll be joining us at the CAPE Homeschool Convention on June 28–29, we’ll be offering both the Worldview Workshop and the Apologetics Workshop in a condensed format.